
Friday, August 28, 2015

Website Roundup!

I'm trying something a little bit new (no, not posting regularly again, that's too new!).

I figured that it'd be interesting to post some of the strange things I've read on various blogs and some websites around the Internet. Click on the title of the links to go to said article.

2015 Hugo Winners (Hugo Site)

I know, I know. Everyone's sick of the Hugos and more specifically, the Sad Puppies, who seem to be gung ho on making the world think that we're all sad sacks bemoaning diversity in science fiction. This may not be what they think they're doing, but it's kind of how a lot of their actions came across to a lot of non-science fiction readers... and all without it coming from the supposed SJWs, meaning that people are reading about this from various news sources and thinking that this is essentially what is at stake here. Seriously guys, STAHP. You're making everyone look bad here. I'm gratified to read that others are just as disgusted with them as I am, if this thread about the winners at SF Signal is any indication.

Anywho, this is a link to the Hugo winners.

Who causes more destruction in superhero movies, heroes or villains? (Gizmodo)

This is the question of the ages. I remember reading a random anthropological thriller ala Indiana Jones and being aghast at the amount of carnage our heroes wrecked upon any given location they visited. I wish I could remember what series it was, since they ended up knocking over a lot of priceless statues in Rome or some similar location.

Learn to Build 20 iOS Games for $20 in The Mary Sue Store (The Mary Sue)

Dismayed at the lack of games featuring broody pieces of toast? Solve that problem yourself by making a game about broody pieces of toast. You could have the next Hatoful Boyfriend. Well, assuming that you're going to make it in one of the genres offered in the bundle.

Inside Disneyland’s Secret Club Reserved For Only the Elite (FoodBeast)

Another year, another look into Disney's Club 33. No, you don't want to know how much it costs. Yes, you'll probably look at the price anyway. How much is it? It's somewhere between "damn I'm poor" and "People pay that much for this?".

Singaporean cosplayer proves that cosplay doesn’t have to have an age limit【Photos】 (RocketNews24)

All you need to know is that this is one awesome lady. She cosplays at age 68 and looks great doing it, showing us all that mindset is a huge part of looking good in cosplay.

American English teacher in Japan takes a moment to remind student that anime is not real (RocketNews24)

Not real? Shut your mouth! Hakuya is mai husbando! Well, not really. Niro Sanjaya will always be my first anime/manga husbando, if I'm going to claim that for anyone. (Hush! I can like cheesy manga if I want!)

JK Rowling Plays Coy (Cuddlebuggery)

This is one of several pieces of news on the page, but come on. It's HARRY POTTER. ON STAGE. So you know that even if you're pretty over Harry Potter, you're still going to be salivating to see this and gobble up all the hints you can find. However I will suggest scrolling down to read about the... "interesting" sticker that a conservative public school in Arizona put on their science books. Yeah. The Harry Potter story might not be as interesting, but it's certainly better for your blood pressure.